BVA members collaborate on emergent themes and issues advancing the BVA’s goals and mission through RACs and Working Groups.
The campus-based interventions at the heart of the Bay View Alliance are organized as Research Action Clusters (RACs). Within each RAC, campuses undertake interventions around a common theme or problem to accelerate change at the local level. Pooling and comparing results throughout the interventions also enables RACs to discover the most effective leadership activities to accelerate the adaptation and integration of methods of instruction to support student learning.
Ideas for Working Groups emerge through Steering Committee meetings, informal exchange among BVA members, and the work of the RACs. Working Groups may serve as incubators for new RACs, as extensions of existing RACs, and as vehicles to build community, share ideas, and sometimes seek needed resources.
Leadership of RACs and Working Groups comes from campus-based members, while the leadership Hub helps organize participation and advise on progress.
The BVA’s RACs and Working Groups include: