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There is an increasing need for building campus leadership capacity to facilitate institutional change that improves undergraduate student learning, retention and graduation in STEM and other disciplines. While the approaches for making these improvements are well-known, their application on campuses is still not wide-spread. To facilitate implementation of these improvements, campus leaders play critical roles. Leaders with decision-making authority over budget, personnel and policy (e.g., deans) can either be gatekeepers or gateways to promoting the success of these efforts and widespread engagement of faculty and staff leaders in these efforts is required to ensure that systemic change efforts are successful and sustained over the long term. However, there is no clear definition of the skills required to specifically lead these efforts, nor are there manuals, workshops or other resources to help leaders develop these competencies. This webinar will present recent results of an NSF-funded project geared towards illuminating the change leader “moves.” It will also present an emerging change leadership system map that is being used to understand the “moves” in the context of different types of leaders involved in change initiatives. The goal of the project is to provide information and resources about what leaders at all levels can do to lead in an interactive change leader system to more effectively facilitate the success and sustainability of change initiatives on campuses around the country.
Susan Elrod began as the sixth chancellor of Indiana University South Bend on July 1. As Chancellor, she leads the university in achieving its mission to serve the communities of Northcentral Indiana. IU South Bend is proud to offer educational opportunities to a range of students seeking to learn, grow and transform their lives and the lives of those around them. Prior to this position, she has served as a provost, dean and academic leader at public comprehensive universities in the California State University System and the University of Wisconsin system. Her leadership track record includes strategic planning and enrollment management, faculty development, improving faculty diversity, enhancing support for research, and building campus wide initiatives that increase student access, persistence and completion.
She holds a Ph.D. in Genetics and has nearly 20 publications on topics ranging from undergraduate research to systemic change and leadership, as well as several scientific publications and patents. She is a nationally recognized leader in STEM higher education on projects that focus on leadership of institutional systemic change in higher education as a scholar, leader, project advisor, and consultant. Recent engagements include co-leader of the Accelerating Systemic Change Network’s Systemic Change Institute, advisor to the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership project, founder of the inaugural Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research, and member of a National Research Council committee report on Indicators for Monitoring Undergraduate STEM Education. She was also recently elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).