Dennis Groth is currently the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education at Indiana University Bloomington. In this role, his responsibility includes initiatives aimed at enhancing student success, faculty excellence in teaching, and programs in academic advising, undergraduate student support, engaged learning, general education assessment, and academic student support. He is Associate Professor of Informatics, with a research focus on the development of new database access and data mining techniques in support of data visualization activities, as well as understanding models of exploration in digital environments. He was the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies for the School of Informatics from 2008 to 2013, where he was responsible for curricular programs, student services, advising, academic operations, and career services. While Undergraduate Dean, he developed strategies and initiatives leading to sustained growth of student, more than doubling the number of student majors, along with targeted, intentional programs enhancing diversity that has lead to a tripling of the number of undergraduate women majors. Simultaneous with his school leadership role, he was Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education from 2009 to 2013. In this capacity, he was responsible for a variety of critical campus programs, including curricular procedures, outreach, service learning, continuing and adult education, course evaluation processes, and test administration. Prior to entering the academy, Dennis had almost 15 years of professional experience in commercial software development, primarily in the healthcare arena.