George Rehrey directs the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program at Indiana University’s Bloomington campus (IUB), leading efforts to fully integrate and institutionalize a program with a 16-year history of success. He is also a Principal Instructional Consultant with IUB’s Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, where he supports instructors of all ranks as they transform their courses, conduct classroom research, collect evidence of student learning, form communities of inquiry, and disseminate their work locally, nationally, and internationally. This past year George played an instrumental role in the design and implementation of a new program review process now required of all 44 departments within the College of Arts and Sciences. George is a co-founding member of the Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization as well as the Internationalization Collaborative Across Bloomington (ICAB), a Title VI funded project that brings faculty together from IUB and Ivy Tech Community Colleges. ICAB participants work collectively on the integration of global student learning outcomes within curricula. George’s current SOTL research includes the learning of geological time, the problems of academic integrity as a cultural phenomenon in computer science courses, the effect of backward course design upon student engagement and, the influence that social and economic reward systems may have upon academic development programs.